The core email marketing strategy principles

An effect email marketing strategy can be built based off these 4 core principles:

  • The rise of mobile devices
  • The significance of segmentation
  • The power of personalisation and
  • The importance of data-driven analysis and optimisation

The Rise of Mobile Devices

Mobile displayVarious studies show that email is one of the most effective ways to stay in touch with a population that is radically changing the way they consume information. Over time, email opens have shifted from the traditional usage of a desktop display to mobile devices, with 54% of emails being opened on mobile. According to OFCOM, 81% of people use mobile primarily for email.

The significance of segmentation

Segmentation helps you send the right message, to the right person at the right time. Econsultancy states that 63% of people agree or strongly agree that emails they currently received are irreverent information to them. This particular insight highlights the email itself wasn’t negative, however the content is not relevant.

The power of personalisation

Econsultancy states 94% of businesses say that personalisation is critical to the success of their business. Personalisation is a way of humanising the language of an EDM so the content is more relevant to the reader. Personalisation is more than just a “Hi **Firstname**”, it is a deeply contextualised individual experience for your recipients. Just because you send an email to 10,000 people simultaneously, does not mean it needs to sound like it. The modern marketer has a variety of channels at their disposal to attract, engage and close people into customers, and personalisation is an important tool in this process.

The importance of data driven analysis and optimisation

Analytics is the engine that powers the growth of your business. When making an important business decision, and you are basing your decision on faith or data, always choose data. Analytics provides the information to optimise, test and identify trends so that you can build more engaging emails.

With these principles in mind, you have the foundation to build a successful email marketing strategy.

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